Christopher Hall is a painter, film-maker and archivist. 
His practice is interdisciplinary with a strong emphasis on process. He was the winner of the Swinton Foundation Prize at New Lights 2013.  Born near Birmingham, he lives and works in Leeds.
Sifting through the detritus and noise of contemporary life, Christopher Hall offers up astute observations on modern culture posing leading questions about what is real and what is illusory. His approach, coupled with a strong desire to experiment and let chance play its part, demonstrates that by isolating and pulling an image from its original context, it can acquire new layers of meaning, gaining political agency and offering a glimpse of perhaps a wider truth.
“My current work examines the interplay between memory, spectacle and notions of power. In our world increasingly mediated by digital data,  ‘news as entertainment’ and ephemeral images; meaning and intention frequently become clouded and less certain. As technology advances and machines become ever ‘smarter’ (through the rapid growth of A.I and machine learning) a transfer of skills and knowledge is also taking place.” 
Christopher Hall, June 2024