Mixed Media

Series (2023)

Digital/Analogue photographic collage
Collage images created through analogue photography methods and digitised by the artist. This is an ongoing series of photo collages creating digital surrogates of images created using various analogue techniques and media. 

All Our Dreams Forever (2020)

35mm slide show installation, variable duration
A time-based light and sound installation consisting of 36 manipulated and hand-painted 35mm colour film slides. The images bleed into each other slowly, projected oversized and repeated on a loop. The piece explores a sense of dislocation and overload in an age of fear and anxiety. It was conceived from found imagery that has been hand manipulated and re-photographed. The piece has an audio track composed by the artist accompanied by the imposed sound of the projector.

The Waste Land Notebooks (2022)

Documenting the creative process for an event to commemorate the centenary of the poem. Includes hand-bound journals, illustrations, collage and ephemera.



Landscape and Garden Design